Your Life - Love It - Live
Predict the future by creating it...
NOTE - Material is still being compiled and edited. We will remove this note when access is available.
Money waits for talent
Consider the wait as your first exercise in developing patience. An essential ingredient...
My assurance is the wait will be worth it!
If you are prepared to wait and wish to participate, while this notice is up you can prepay and deduct $1k off price.
Offer only available during this prelude period while my focus is on navigating the content for Transcendence. That sadly is a personal journey that needs to be undertaken.
Access to the Trading Game learning requires a once off payment - Available in Store...
Change needs commitment - In return you will get hard earned knowledge gained from experience.
It's not about money - It's about freedom.
For this we need to trade effortlessly - or that 'freedom' is only a mirage
Where does courage come from? What gives people the confidence to move into new, uncertain situations with fearless ease?
There is not much better way of learning than experience. Asking for help when required and getting it.
When you're feeling 'that adrenaline' your trading will be short lived. Displaying as anxiety, even phobia? It's not about finding ways to vamp-up our courage factor. Rather we want to engage in our trading endeavors as effortlessly as possible. We will explore step by step ways HOW...
Repetitive thought process reprogramming HABBIT into the lower parts of the brain to reduce the novelty factor and normalize desired outcome
As with the Transcendence blog, tokens received upon purchase can be cashed in or held in your crypto wallet. Trading as with life is about learning to exercise our free choice.
"You yourself will always be the worst enemy you can encounter; you yourself lie in wait for yourself in caves and forests." - Friedrich Nietzsche
You have your way. I have my way. As for the right way, the correct way, and the only way, it does not exist
Think of it like this: The guide, like a sheet of music is available to all.
Each musician can navigate that sheet of music differently, and with different instruments. The learning access is for those who wish to play that music beautifully.
Reduce or eliminate the nail biting
Reduce the stress & effort (same dedication!)
Protect your mind, manage risk, focus on the process and ultimately wean yourself from guru's & advisors. Learning is a lifelong process but reaching that point where you see things as they are, act without hesitation and walk your own path through life will grant you a sense of freedom that so many desire, and so few achieve.
Why the Transcendence Blog is available for those imagining ways of improving themselves: It outlines a process of self-mastery I endured. Still a work in progress, it describes the horrendous situations which broke me down to become a broken suicidal loser. The painful process of thawing from the numbness and regaining composure. A disciplined process of regaining confidence, authority and leadership over myself again. Understanding that happiness is something derived internally, not a mirage of please seeking activities out there so close but out of reach. Gratitude & enjoyment of life follow when we learn to choose where we get our Dopamine from - If you want to master this game, you need to master yourself first...
Most retail traders lose money.
Don't join them!
This may give you a new perspective...
Looking for a simplified way to follow price action?
Designed for people who have busy life schedules and cannot spend their lives in front of a screen...
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$1k incentive for every sale you initiate
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So, for less value than most daily S&P e-mini point fluctuations with only one contract - Learn to trade effortlessly and profitably for life...
Without blowing smoke, do you want to trade effortlessly or not?
Available in store...
No BS. Just practical steps and guidance to simplify the process
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Content may be confronting.
If you experience an emotional response, seek professional support:
Or think about why and pray for healing...
'This too shall pass'
The life we live is the one we focus on - Happiness and fulfillment are therefore a choice...
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