Your Life - Love It - Live

For web search purposes there was hesitance to use a hyphen. But on every gravestone, there's a hyphen between two dates. That is our life - a mere dash between two dates. So, in choosing to use the hyphen - let us remember what it represents...

Time is precious. Don't hesitate or procrastinate. Go - DO! Live the best dash you can...

For a full & healthy life we need the machinery of us to work in harmony:

Unlock Your Potential!

Exploring ways of attaining a healthy mind and soul are the primary objective of this site. Without it all the money in the world is meaningless. There's only so much happiness (pleasure) money can buy - Live life to the fullest and rebuild your life.

Any purchases support and promotes this mission -

Readers are welcome to contribute towards content if you feel there is a better way of phrasing language and wording. Or have a problem with the messaging or content - Caveat, you need to be a real person.

Achieve your best!Achieve your best!

Note: We use Tokens as incentive. Upon receiving Tokens, you have free choice to either be part of the game or cash them in. By choosing to hold these Tokens you maintain a stake in alternative assets not offered by your average Financial Cartel, Hedge Fund, Black Rock, or Vanguard. Together we're going to rebuild a business. The nastiness & criminal activity of the individuals who defrauded that business will be examined and used as lead magnet. See the Transcendence Blog. Together we utilize the nastiness, hold individuals accountable and maybe learn something. Kick back, pull out the popcorn - this isn't made entertainment...

As with any endeavor there is risk. Agriculture is coming increasingly under attack by climate activists and legislation accordingly. Foot & mouth or other disease, drought/flood, theft or market fluctuations will affect returns. Someone may hack your account so KEEP IT SAFE! Merely to name a few considerations so you don't think we're blowing smoke up anyone's...

It's your choice. Without making promises we will attempt to use the power of compounding and maintain the best balance between growth and income possible. With prudence return should outperform most Hedge funds.

With a new & improved business model what could possibly go wrong:)?? - A lot of Ssht. mate a lot! But we do it anyway...

Remember - it's still a game. Funds collected will benefit and promote regenerative & sustainable agricultural practices - Yes, there is such a thing :)

Push yourself - No Limits...Push yourself - No Limits...
Fortune favors the brave - Not stupid! Learn from my stupid!Fortune favors the brave - Not stupid! Learn from my stupid!

Change needs commitment. The blog material is priced accordingly. Due to the nature of sick behavior, we expose and explore early in the blog - pricing is the surest way to act as a barrier of entry & limit minors from viewing the material. Tokens returned to those who do take the plunge will HOPEFULLY over time return funds - plus more...

No need for my nieces - Emma, Megan and Reece, as well as other minors to learn their parents and grandparents are arguably more immoral than the original whores of Babylon - Until they're adults.

Both their mother and my mother still holding the 'cup filled with the filth of their abominations'...

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